Monday, December 10, 2007

Happy 2 Month Birthday!

Olivia turned 2 months old on Saturday. She had her check-up at the doctor today. She weighs 9 lbs 9.5 oz (10th percentile) and is 20.5 inches long (5th percentile). She's still measuring small (our peanut) but the doctor was extremely happy with her weight gain! She was in the 3rd percentile at her 2 week visit. Plus, she had to get 5 shots!! Daddy took her, and she did NOT like the shots! Poor baby. :o( He videotaped it on his phone, so I wouldn't miss it...momma cried when she saw Olivia crying!

Plus, enjoy these photos from a photo shoot with her cousin Ali and Aunt Emma! She also had to show off her girly Christmas party dress!


Unknown said...

These are so CUTE...

Unknown said...

Kendra is so jealous...