Wednesday, March 26, 2008

We caught the Easter Bunny...

Olivia hoped that everyone had a happy Easter!! She had an awesome time visiting all the Peterson and Conner families!!! She is smiling so much now...and we're starting to hear some good laughs. She has decided that she really likes oatmeal with bananas and sweet potatoes!! Yeah!! She is beginning to roll to one side...maybe onto her tummy soon. She still hasn't gotten over her bronchiolitis yet...hopefully soon!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Olivia's shirt said "Kiss me...I'm Irish today." How could you not kiss this cute face!

Mmmm...I sure do love my hands!

Olivia has become almost obsessed with eating her hands. She is so cute. She will take her pacifier out, look at it, drop it, and then put her hands in her mouth!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Rice Cereal...Take 2

Olivia turned 5 months yesterday! It is amazing how time flies. This past week we tried rice cereal again...only the rice cereal with bananas. Olivia liked it much better! She is opening her mouth now...although a lot still falls out. She weighs about 13 lbs, 3 oz. We have been practicing sitting in our bebe pod seat, so our head control gets even better. She is such a happy baby...although she doesn't smile very much for the camera. She loves looking at the lights!
Here are some pics from our second attempt at cereal...and the bath that needed to follow!