Saturday, February 28, 2009

All Smiles

Olivia is about 16 1/2 months old now. It's hard to believe how fast time flies. She is talking more and more every day and probably says about 35 words. She has even put 2 words together a few times. While she has a ton of language, she still has decided not to walk! One of these days I suppose! She loves smiling for the are a few pictures that we took! Plus, she also loves to eat...especially treats like pudding and cookies!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

We're home from the hospital!

Olivia was in the hospital this past week for bronchiolitis...which she had last year. She had trouble breathing and was getting very dehydrated when we went in on Monday. She got a little better everyday, but she continued to have trouble keeping her oxygen levels up. So we had to stay all week, and she wore oxygen. She did an awesome job and didn't try to take off the oxygen from her nose! She was still her happy self as she smiled and talked to all the nurses! She even would lift her toe and legs up when the came to check her oxygen levels and blood pressure during vitals!! We came home on Friday, and Olivia is doing fine. We're glad to be home. Thank you to everyone for the thoughts and prayers. We truly appreciated them! I'll try to post some pictures that I took on my phone if I figure that out!! :o)


Crawling through a tunnel at the Children's Museum

Crying, because she doesn't like the Santa behind her

After Christmas, we took the train to Chicago for a few days. Ali, Jonice, and Korbin came with us. We had a great time. We went shopping, ate lots of great food, went to Navy Pier, went to the Children's Museum, Ali & I saw Wicked (which was awesome!!), and Jonice and I went to the spa.


I know that this post is a little delayed, but better late than never. We had a wonderful Christmas. We went back to the Flint area and celebrated with our families. Olivia had a great time opening her presents especially her baby doll...just look at her "ooo" expression!