Saturday, November 7, 2009

Singing our ABCs

Olivia loves singing and music. She has really liked to sing the ABCs is her rendition!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Olivia loved trick or treating this year! We got to trick or treat with Nana and Grandma and Grandpa! How fun! She would say "twick or tweat!" at every house. She was so excited that she wanted to help herself to the candy! Good thing she's so cute, and she would say "thank you!".

Dressing up with Lucy!

We visited Aunt Cindy, Aunt Terri, Ali, and Grandpa on Halloween morning. Olivia really liked playing with the dogs, especially Lucy the pug! She put mickey mouse ears on her, and wanted to sit by her in the dog bed! She liked it so much, she kept saying, "Take my picture!".

Carving a Pumpkin!

Olivia and I carved a pumpkin together for the first time. She really like doing it together, but she didn't like to get her hands messy taking out the seeds. She put her hands in one time. Then, she took them out, looked at me, and said, "You do it mama. I wash hands!". Too cute!